
Chapter 8 vocab

Chloroplast  *  ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) *   Stroma  *  Calvin Cycle *  Light-dependent reactions  *  Photosynthesis  *  Chlorophyll  *  Photosystem * Pigment *  Thylakoid


Chapter 9 vocab

Lactic Acid * Glycolysis  *  Fermentation*  Anaerobic  * aerobic  *  Mitochondrion

* Cellular Respiration  *  Krebs Cycle  *  electron transport chain  *  ATP



Class power pointPhotosynthesis-Respiration.ppt


     CO2 Content Lab (revised).pdf

     Stomata lab.docx


ATP video


The reactions of photosynthesis


Photosynthesis Video on the process


Finding Stomata- Bozeman video


Science Summary- Stomata


Microscopes- Electron Scanning microscope